In 1607, during his short stay in Naples, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio painted an astonishing allegory called Seven Works of Mercy. Through a complex dynamic and a wonderful play between light and shadow, this painting uses different narratives to represent the seven corporal works of mercy. Like Caravaggio, I worked with real people. The purpose was to reflect on the contemporary society through the nudity of people with a tough background. This body of work consists in two series and includes both the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The set is a continuous game of duality through body and spirit, man and woman, light and dark, life and death.

To clothe the naked

To visit the imprisoned

To visit the sick

To give drink to the thirsty

To bury the dead

To feed the hungry

To Shelter the Homeless

To instruct the ignorant

To admonish sinners

To counsel the doubtful

To forgive offences willingly

To comfort the afflicted

To bear wrongs patiently

To pray for the living and the dead